12 Gays of Christmas

The 12 Gays of Christmas is a fun and festive video series. Created by LGBTQ+ YouTuber, Lauren Elloise in 2016.

A walk through the history of the series...

2016 Playlist

The year the series officially launched! Lauren shared her coming out story for the first time. Videos also featured her then girlfriend, and her sister Leah.

2017 Playlist

Subscribers demanded another season! This year started a few traditions including baking xmas themed food, featuring Leah in videos, and ending on a Q&A.

We reluctantly miss 2018 as Lauren is dealing with a breakup, moving out for first time, and the loss of her pet rats.

2019 Playlist

The series kicked off to be extremely successful this year, and set the precedent for the years to follow. However, it was cut short by the Black Summer bushfires of Australia impacting Lauren's family property.

2020 Playlist

The most viewed year to date! Thanks to the "How to Know If You Are Lesbian" video that gained over 1M views. Gal Pal officially made her first appearance, but they asked not to be shipped together.

2021 Playlist

The internet goes crazy for rating lesbian kisses, Lauren's mum is back guessing LGBT flags, and Leah (Lauren's sister) tells it how it is. The Lovers merch is introduced to the world.

2022 Playlist

The 12 Gays continues to be a massive hit, Gal Pal has her first solo video, Lauren's dad makes an appearance, and we uncover juicy truths.

2023 Playlist

In progress...